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Regarded as one of the “superb brass ensembles in the USA” (Musicweb International) and praised for “remarkable musicianship and versatility” (International Trumpet Guild Journal), the widely acclaimed Wisconsin Brass Quintet (WBQ) has maintained a position at the forefront of brass chamber music since the group’s founding in 1972.

General Admission: $10 | MAC Members and Students: FREE – Tickets go on sale August 2, 2022

Wisconsin Brass Quintet has been supported by MAC Corporate Underwriter Colony Brands, Inc. and Season Media Underwriter Big Radio, with additional support from Dave and Julie Buchanan, Gunderson Stiles Fund for Classical Music, Hans and Bobbie Bernet, Bob and Wendy Erb, Mike Furgal, Rebecca Gilman and Charles Harmon, Pete Guenther and Barb Woodriff, Ken Klassey, Ron and Jennifer Spielman, Deb Thompson, Chuck and Chris Wellington.

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